Careers with Edusity

Explore remote, flexible & exciting opportunities with Edusity, help us co-invent the LMS landscape for the future

Edusity is the future of inclusive learning & development

We refine, redefine, reiterate and explore new possibilities to make the world a better and a simpler place for everyone. Join us in reimagining a more inclusive workspace that’s more intutive, inclusive and flexible.


We refine, redefine, reiterate and explore new possibilities to make the world a better place for everyone. Join us in reimagining a more inclusive workspace that’s more intutive, inclusive and flexible.


We refine, redefine, reiterate and explore new possibilities to make the world a better place for everyone. Join us in reimagining a more inclusive workspace that’s more intutive, inclusive and flexible.


We refine, redefine, reiterate and explore new possibilities to make the world a better place for everyone. Join us in reimagining a more inclusive workspace that’s more intutive, inclusive and flexible.


We refine, redefine, reiterate and explore new possibilities to make the world a better place for everyone. Join us in reimagining a more inclusive workspace that’s more intutive, inclusive and flexible.

Core Values

We live by these core values as a learning & development company. Beyond anything we're human first! We’re creating an ecosystem where we emphasize on inclusivity & accessibility as a company and as a platform to cater to the world. We strive to develop a dream where learning is possible from anywhere in the world, in the language of your choice.

The core values we strongly believe in:

  • Honesty 😇
  • Transparency 🪟
  • Integrity 👍
  • Social Responsibility 🪴
  • Commitment 🤝
  • Community 🌐

What we Offer

Benefits of the working with Edusity experience is the work model we offer to our global workforce to learn & develop themselves, work-life balance, remote work, monthly meetups and many other perks.

Some benefits we offer:

  • Remote Work 🏠💻
  • Work-Life Balance 🌴🚴
  • Health Benefits 🏋️🥗
  • Open Concept 🖥️🧳
  • Paid Vacations 👙✈️

Our Core Values

Whether you are a newbie to the team or you've been around for long, we offer all of our employees a competitive compensation and equity. Our core policy values are:


We look from the customer & user perspective to understand user behavior and how to facilitate the user journey.


We promote our cycle to work, learn and apply knowledge from collaboration learned insights.


We drive global impact from our technology and learning platform to enhance collaboration and user engagement.


We are proud to help you work on your successes and growth by constant learnings, so everyone can benefit from the process.